Sunday, September 4, 2011

Why This Course?

When i first skimmed through the list of available FYS courses only one caught my eye, "From Grimm to Disney". Disney holds a special place in my heart, and in the hearts of people all around the world. Disney is magical, not only because of the wonderous stories, but in the fact that it touches people of all ages, races, and gender. No matter who you are or where you're from we can all relate in someway to the stories and lessons that these masterpieces tell.  For me as a child Disney was an escape. I spent the first ten years of my life in the fostercare system in Baltimore. Fostercare can be a scary place for a child. A lot of kids are emotionally damaged because of the lack of attention and security. Kids question themselves and feel rejection because their parents, the people who should care the most for them just gave them away. Whenever I was scared, lonely, or feeling down on myslef i knew that Disney would always be there to put a smile on my face. I dont know much in the way of fairytales but my favorite disney movie is without question The Lion King. It taught me to never forget who i am as a person, and that you can't run from your past, eventhough it may hurt. The past is what defines you as a person. Everything you go through shapes you into who you are today. If you try to run from the past you will never learn anything or truly understand who you are as a person. Disney will never die. It's one of those things that lives on forever, not only on the screen but inside everyone who watches. I know that everyone out there can look back and learn from the classics and carry the lessons and morals from them that I have taken and applied to my life. Disney has taught me so much more than any school or education could. It has taught me about life, and everything that it should be. I hope that this course will broaden my perspective on the magical world that i have seen through so many Disney movies, and teach me more about myself.

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