Sunday, October 9, 2011

My Progress

I think that I have accomplished a decent amount so far, but I am not doing as well as I should be. I keep messing up on the little things like forgetting to do my blog. I am very interested in the class which is a good thing because I learn more when i am actually interested in the topic. I am achieving my goal to learn more about the history of fairy tales and how they have changed over the course of time. I really want to do well in the class, but I know that I have to work harder and put more into it if i want to succeed. I definitely need to spend more time studing over the material we recieve. I know that what I'm doing now isnt enough and that I have to put more time into it, because if I don't the material won't stick as well. The most challenging part of the class for me is remembering the specific historical facts and all of the little details. the details are the most important part, but there are so many. I definitely enjoy all of the movies we watch. I love watching movies and analyzing all of the different symbols and things that I never noticed before. i am excited to learn more and work harder to be a better student. That's what an FYS is meant for.

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